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#KeepIntheLoop with Andre Dawkins!

Mr. Dawkins is busy being the change he wants to see in communities across Canada.

As he continues to embark on his journey, Andre Dawkins works to provide his clients with the resources they need to attain financial freedom. His goals are to propel his clients in the right direction while turning their dreams into reality.

Make sure you connect with Andre after you’ve read his journey of success and beyond.

We’re keeping you connected.

Name: Andre Dawkins

Twitter: Call_Andre

Instagram: Call_Andre


Our readers want to keep in the loop with you. To get acquainted tell us who you are?

I am Andre Dawkins! I’m a licenced mortgage broker.

I use to be an underwriter in the insurance industry and because of the knowledge I attained, it helped to connect my clients to the resources they want and need.

How long have you been operating your business?

I’ve been in the sales business for over 20 years. I’m happy to say I’ve been in the mortgage business for over 10 years.

What is your area of expertise?

Hard to place mortgages, credit building and credit repair are my areas of expertise.

Was there something or someone that inspired you to start your own business?

My parents were a major inspiration for me.

They were good with finances and real estate however, if they were more informed they would have been able to make even better decisions.

I learned much of what I know from them. And because I was always ambitious when I was growing up, I knew that with hard work and dedication I’d be able to earn the amount of money I dreamed of if I really put in the work.

I was never complacent. I knew that I needed to aspire to become more.

Initially, I thought about getting into real estate. A commission-based business was where I needed to be. Mortgages, turned out to be the next best thing.

I vowed to learn the inner workings of the industry so that I could be better off.

What is your vision for your business and your clientele?

I want to expand and continue to build my brand into a household name. Eventually, I’d love to have my own mortgage lending company.

For my clients, I want to ensure that they are educated and empowered to enhance their current financial situations.

What motivates you daily before you start your workdays?

There are a few things that motivate me. Envisioning new opportunities and seeing these visions come to fruition motivate me.

Thinking about how I can help individuals and families with their financial goals keeps me driven.

I know I won’t get every deal, but I do know I can help.

What is your definition of success?

For me success is seeing the fruits of your labour blossom into lasting impactful results.

Success is an ongoing objective that one must continue to work towards.

What makes you stand out from the rest?

My branding. When I started out 10 years ago, I did not establish my brand.

Five years ago, I decided to brand my business with the slogan, “Call Andre.”

This marketing strategy connected me to reputable media outlets with a massive reach, which connected me to people who really needed the services I provided.

Before branding, people thought that they only needed to call me when they had problems. After rebranding, they understood that I was able to help them with all of their essential mortgage needs. Even if a person attains a mortgage from the bank, I can sometimes get them a better rate.

How do you balance your personal life with your professional life?

I don’t consider work to be work. It’s a way of life for me, which I truly love.

Although this line of work can be very busy, and time consuming, I make sure to put a lot of time back into my family.

This is important to me. As a man and as a father I feel I need to provide for my family and lead by example.

What do you do for self-care?

Exercise and eat well. I think about the future and listen to inspirational music.

Keep us In the Loop with the best advice that you’ve been given that you’d share with other entrepreneurs?

Carve your own path. Don’t try to replicate other’s success stories.

I feel I’m unorthodox. Everything I said I’m doing I’ve been told I couldn’t do. Don’t let naysayers tell you that you can’t. Many people say, focus on one thing. I did multiple and focused on the things I was extremely good at. Honing in on those skills brought me to where I am today. I didn’t know that success was right around the corner for me.

This would be the best advice I’d share.

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