#KeepIntheLoop with Siobhan Brown! Ms. Brown is living proof of the profound effect we can have on one another in community when we work to lift each other up.

The first time I met Siobhan we were introduced by a mutual friend.
We began chatting away about some of our professional ventures. Our intriguing conversation reminded me of how strong women are. We have the ability to change the world.
This dynamic woman is creating opportunities and fostering environments that embrace healthy changes within organizations.
She is passionate about her work, which ignites her drive for the pursuit of excellence.
I was immensely inspired by this successful, effervescent, woman. She's a role model who shows how much more we can give back when we work to become our best selves.
Make sure you connect with Siobhan after you’ve read her journey of success and beyond.
We’re keeping you connected.
Name: Siobhan Brown
Twitter: Siobhan Brown
Hashtag: #KeepIntheLoop
Our readers want to keep in the loop with you. To get acquainted with you tell us who you are?
My name is Siobhan Brown. I am a published author, keynote speaker, change management and leadership professional.
My focus is improving engagement and leadership development within organizations.
How long have you been operating your business?
It will be 20 years in July.
What is your area of expertise?
Leadership Development, change management, consulting and coaching are my areas of expertise. The articles that I have written focus on how to be an effective leader in management.
Was there something or someone that inspired you to start your own business?
I use to work in an office for a large corporation. One day while at work, I participated in an orientation. The facilitator was incredible. His presentation resonated with me and I saw myself speaking to large crowds and helping them achieve their goals. He inspired me to go back to school. I completed my certificate in adult education. I learned that change had become the new constant. If you can’t get a handle on that then you won’t succeed. I talk to people about the components, the cultures the tasks and things that align to create a successful organization.
I just completed my Masters Degree in Leadership with a focus on Organizational Change.
What is your vision for your business and your clientele?
I want to equip my clients with the skills to manage change and efficiency. I want to help develop leaders that can work with their teams effectively. When I work with my clients I want them to be able to determine what key performances they need to run their business at high efficiency.
What motivates you daily before you start your workdays?
I have two motivators. The first one is that I love what I do and because of that each morning I think of who I can help next.
My second motivator is my daughter. I want her to see that women can be strong and impactful.
With me leading by example, I am showing her that breaking down barriers and stereotypes is possible.
My daughter was one year old when I went back to school to complete my Masters Degree. I was married but it was not the best situation. I didn’t let my circumstances define me or hold me back. I decided to get out of that relationship and work on developing myself.
Never let a bad situation hold you back from becoming your best self. Be the leading lady in your life.
Develop your own skills so that you can give more back to your family and your community.
What is your definition of success?
Everyone defines success differently. For me it’s constantly learning and growing while encouraging others to do the same.
Although I feel successful, I always strive to do more. Don’t become stagnant. Success is multi-faceted. You may not be at the pinnacle in every area of your life but as long as you have a balance, to me that is success.
What makes you stand out from the rest?
My ability to connect and adapt to change no matter where I am enables me to stand out. I listen to what others need and want. I start off my sessions by finding out what others interests are to satisfy their needs.
Whether scheduled into my sessions or not I deliver more than what is asked of me. This may include tips, advice or more time. Constantly learning is important in overall development.
How do you balance your personal life with your professional life?
It’s tough! I’ve learned that some things have got to give. With the work I do, I’m usually up late. I have to make sacrifices. For me, family comes first. Family is a high priority for me.
In the same breath, there are times where I may have to miss a practice for a client. I try not to make a habit of that. It’s important to have a good network of people and a support system for work life balance. When I did my Masters Degree I was up until 3:00am reading and waking up at 6:00am.
Now I dedicate nights for quality time with my family because we need that.
Planning and time management is the key to this. Some of the things that I have done to get work around the house done is getting my family engaged. If everyone helps we can have a fun time too.
What do you do for self-care? I get my hair and nails done. I get massages and indulge in spiritual meditation to stay grounded. Expressing gratitude for all that I have. I practice this before I go to bed and early in the morning when it’s really quiet.
Keep us In the Loop with the best advice that you’ve been given that you’d share with other entrepreneurs?
Always look forward 5-10 years from now. Work towards that grab hold of the tools that you need to achieve those goals. Examples of tools that you may need to succeed include, mentors and classes. This also means change. Whether it be changing the friends you keep, the places you go or the way you dress.
You may see a job that you want that you may not be qualified for today. Don’t let that discourage you. You can work towards qualifying for that job later on down the road.
Consistent and persistent action will get you to where you want to be.
My philosophy is: LIVE, LEARN and LEAD.
When you learn to live and lead your own life you can lead yourself as well as others.
Siobhan's video reel: