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It’s the first day of the month and I am thankful to be a part of a program that has inspired positive changes in the lives of others.

When we sat down and thought about the direction that we wanted to take this program in, we thought about the kind of culture we wanted to create. We also thought about what kind of leaders we wanted to be. We knew that the generation that we were brought up in was a generation that yearned for encouragement. The generation coming up after us was a generation that wanted a sense of acceptance.

We recognized that together and In the Loop, we as a team had a profound effect on others by lifting each other up by celebrating our accomplishments. We started to share authentic stories from real people. Their stories captured the nations’ attention in significant ways.

In the Loop started from a single idea, which blossomed in to fruitful blessings. The abundance in which was bestowed upon us, we were able to share with communities and people from all walks of life.

Through In the Loop I’ve grown, I’ve learned and most importantly, I’ve overcome.

I appreciate the simple things life has to offer and I always keep in mind and in the loop with the teaching of great leaders. One of the quotes that resonate with me was by the great Martin Luther King Jr. He said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”.

It’s true, and through In the Loop we can share what really matters!

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