In the Loop & Nina Dixon

In the Loop was created to engage students and young adults in the creative arts through volunteerism. It's programming caters to students and groups in the Peel Region, Brampton, Caledon, Mississauga and surrounding areas through customized, remote or virtual programs.
The In the Loop learning programs blend mentorship and life skills activities to develop leadership talents necessary to succeed in everyday life for students for free.
In the Loop has been featured on

"Alone we can do little, together we can do much."
-Helen Keller
Nina Hallie Dixon was a successful correspondent with Rogers TV for over ten years, where she was well-known for connecting to people from diverse communities. She uses her experience to encourage youth to participate in charitable work and contribute positively to their communities through their talents.​

In the Loop, Clore Beauty and Paul Comrie partner to build wigs for people with conditions that cause hair loss.

In the Loop, Clore Beauty and Paul Comrie partner to build wigs for people with conditions that cause hair loss.

Rotary Club of Brampton Flower City Centennial and In the Loop partner with Boston Pizza to raise funds in support of Camp Jumoke. Camp Jumoke's mission is to enrich the lives of children living with Sickle Cell Disease and its complications, one child at a time.

Host Nina Hallie Dixon attends the Annual AFEY Seniors' Thanksgiving Luncheon to spread holiday cheer.
"Surround yourself with people that reflect who you want to be
and how you want to feel, energies are contagious"
-Rachel Wolchin

Host Nina Hallie Dixon plays the role of a Hockey mom proud to support and support the diversity now present in Hockey in Canada.

Celebrating the anniversary of one of Canada's leading brands host Nina Hallie Dixon was selected for a lead role in this upbeat 1950's diner themed campaign.

Former CNN Strategist, News One Anchor, Roland Martin is In the Loop.

Toronto Maple Leafs’ Alumni, Johnny Bower is In the Loop.

Leading fashion designer, David Dixon is In the Loop.
"Authenticity requires vulnerability, transparency and integrity."
-Janet Louise Stephenson
Nina brings a high level of authenticity, integrity and professionalism to her programs and volunteerism. In parternship with notable Canadians she shares their stories through media to inspire youth and young adults.
She has conducted exclusive interviews with: Toronto Maple Leafs’ Alumni, the late Johnny Bower, Bill Derlago, Dave McLIwain;
Canadian Olympic Gold Medalist, Brianne Jenner, CBC News Anchor, Ann Marie Mediwake, fashion designer, David Dixon, former ET Canada personality, Rick Campanelli, renowned singer, members of Parliament, and many more.
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
-Mahatma Gandhi
In her spare time, Nina can be found volunteering with various charities and committees in the Peel region.
"As you discover what strength you can draw from your community in this world in which it stands apart, look outward as well as inward. Build bridges instead of walls."
-Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor

The Harlem Globetrotters are In the Loop

Ms. Menaka Thakkar and her Indian School of Dance is In the Loop.

Host Nina Hallie Dixon wins International Women's Achiever Award alongside Mishael Morgan of the Young and the Restless.

Dr. Radha Maharaj author of the Kidonomics series is In the Loop.

Mayor of Mississauga, Mayor Bonnie Crombie is In the Loop